For Admission 9437962959

Details of LABS

* Physics Lab. * Computer Lab.
* Chemistry Lab. * Communication English Lab.
* Basic Electric Lab. * Workshop Practice Lab.


Branch Semester Labs
Civil 3rd Semester Survey1
    Civil Engg. Lab1
4th Semester CAD Lab.
5th Semester Structural Detailing
  Survey Practice II
  Civil Engg Lab II
6th Semester Structural Detailing Practice - II
  Estimating Practice II
  Construction Workshop Practice
  Project & Semenar
Mechanical Engineering 3rd Semester Mechanical Engg. Lab 1 (3rd sem)
    Workshop Practice II
4th Semester Mechanical Engg. Lab-2
  Workshop Practice -3
  inspection and Quality Control
5th Semester Theory of M/C Lab.
  Refregertation R Air Conditioning Lab.
6th Semester CAD Lab
Electrical Engineering 3rd Semester Mechanical Engineering Lab
    Electronics Lab. Practice
4th Semester Electrical Lab. Practice I
  Workshop Practice
5th Semester Electrical Mechanical Lab.
  Computer Application II Lab.
  Power Electronics Lab.
6th Semester Electrical Works practice
  Project & Seminar
ETC. 3rd Semester Analog Electronics Lab -I
    Circuit Simulation Lab.  Using (P-SPICE) Software
  Digital Electronic Lab.
  Electronics measurement & Instrumentation Lab.
4th Semester Electrical Mechine Lab.
  Analog Electronics lab. II
  Analog and Digital Communication Lab
  Microprocessor Lab.
  Soft Skill lab.
5th Semester Power electronics lab
  Microwaves Engineering Lab.
  Audeo, Video & TV Enggneering Lab.
  Advanced Microprocessor &VLSI Lab.
  Information search, Analysis &Presentation (ISAP)
6th Semester Advanced Communication lab.
  Microcontroller, Embedded system & PLCS Lab.
  Elective Lab. (Any one Lab below)

i) Digital Signal processing Lab

ii)Robtic Labs.

iii)Digital image Processing Lab.

  Maintenance & Computer Digagnosis Lab.
  Simolation using MATLAB Lab.